2008 has been one incredible year for me!! I knew that it would be big year for me, but it was better than I ever could have thought it would be. God has been so extremely good to Scott & I and blessed us beyond what we could have asked for. I can definitely say that it has been a year of drastic change, but it's been one fun adventure. I feel like recapping the good things that happened this year because so often it's easy to push those memories aside, but they are something that I want to keep, even if I end up being the only one to ever read this!!!
January kicked off my new year with quite a bang, Scott & I closed on our home January 30th and that was such an overwhelming day! Of course on the morning we closed we got to the office like an hour before our appointment time and as we sat in Scott's car it was a mixture of excitement, nervousness, and the feeling of "is this REALLY happening?" As we sat and signed through endless amounts of paperwork that would make any one's head spin finally after what seemed like forever they handed us the key to our home and said "Congratulations!" Again, the feeling of "is this REALLY happening?" hit us as we shook her hand and said "Thanks!" I will never forget the first time that Scott opened up the front door to our empty house, and even though we had been in the house just days before we closed, it was like the strangest new feeling I had ever had. As Scott & I stood quietly in our living room, I slid across the floor in our dining room and was like "WOO HOO!!" and it broke in our home. The best part of that day came shortly after that WOO HOO moment when Scott & I prayed together and dedicated our house to the Lord because it was HIS greatness and provision that brought us to that place!
Fast forward 5 months down the road, June 13th, 2008. THE BIG DAY!! The days leading up to it were hectic and I felt the most exhausted that I think I have ever felt in my life thus far. I remember the night of our rehearsal that I was definitely tense and crabby because I literally had been going non-stop since that Monday. Shaynah came up to me in the Bride's room and was like "Are you OK? You don't seem like yourself" (or something of that nature) and I started to cry and let out an "I AM SOOOO TIRED!!" I was trying to be brave and not let everyone see me cry but in that moment the emotions overwhelmed my "braveness". Thankfully when I got back from the dinner I pretty much konked out and was refreshed for the next day. I woke up really early in the morning (as is expected) and I was the only one awake. I remember it was a beautiful cool summer morning and the sun was bright and shining. I sat outside with my dog Lilly and spent time in prayer with the Father. I remember just specifically asking him for peace and that everyone who came to the wedding and was in the wedding would be overwhelmed with peace. It was an awesome moment and He totally fulfilled my request. The one thing that I heard from all the guests was how relaxing and calming everything was and how I was the most relaxed glowing Bride most of them had seen. (Who knows if they were just saying that, but either way it made me happy!) Even those around me where like what is going on? because I was more quiet than my usual self. Everything about that day was perfect, not everything went as according to plan, but it was perfect. I had such amazing friends and family make the day more than I ever could have imagined! The most memorable moments I have were obviously with Scott although to pinpoint just one would be silly because they were all so wonderful. What I really love is looking back at his face in the pictures because if you know Scott he usually only gives one expression in photos, but in all our wedding photos his expressions are the most genuine ones that I usually only get to see when we are together. That will forever make my day.
Our honeymoon in Vegas was probably the slowest time we had after the wedding, it was such a fun experience to get to travel with Scott for the first time! He had NEVER been on a plane before and poor guy gets pretty bad motion sickness. We have 2 flights to Vegas and he was really sick when we finally got the hotel that it ruined our first day there. I felt awful for him because his first experience in flying was anything but pleasant. We fixed that problem on the flight back Dramamine is amazing!! :) Anyways, Vegas was wonderful, just relaxing and ordering room service, it was a short trip but it was the most fun!
The rest of the year went by fast and I don't have much to really do an extensive recap on, but it was great. September brought little Kaden into our lives, and he is such a blessing. November brought Avery Faith, a double blessing in a little bundle. I guess as I look back at what happened in 2008, I am so thankful for the little things, family, friends, work, life, love with all those in my life my year would have been just as extraordinary, but the Lord is such a wonderful Father that He had to add in extra blessings to make my year outstanding. I hope that you were just as blessed as I was!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
How To Make A Diy Twin Bed
1 day ago
2008 was a year of firsts for me. My 1st year of marriage being obviously one of the big ones! I loved 2008 but I'm more excited for 2009! God has BIG things planned!
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